Supporting teachers, students and families in Queensland
Every child in your school is unique and they interact and learn in their own way.
Much of how we learn in life is gained through our vision, so being a child with vision loss can be difficult as they need to gather information about their world in different ways.
How we support your students who are blind or have low vision
Vision Australia understands the challenges that vision loss can create for students.
We visit students in your school and provide specialised vision loss services via our professional team including occupational therapists, physiotherapists and speech therapists.
How we are funded
We are funded by the Queensland Government Department of Education, Specialist Disability Support in School (SDSS) program to provide specialised support and services in schools and we work with principals, teachers, students and families to provide solutions.
The difference we make
Our funding enables us to support your teachers, support staff and families so students can be fully included in education, and maintain a whole-of-class/school approach. Last year, Last year, we supported 301 schools in Queensland and provided 2,115 face-to-face visits, including via Skype.
Vision Australia team members that visit schools
- Assist students to gain good posture at the classroom desk which helps them listen better and learn
- Support students to learn the physical skills so they can participate in the sports that they want to, in physical education classes and on the playground
Occupational therapists
- Help students participate and learn in the classroom
- Recommend the best place for the student to sit
- Help them to organise their desk so they know where everything is
- Assist them with their pencil grip or computer typing
- Introduce them to equipment that will make learning quicker and easier
Speech pathologists
- Work with students to improve their language and literacy skills so they are engaged with all material and can reach their learning milestones
- Support students to learn conversational and social skills so they connect with their friends and peers on the playground
Orientation and mobility specialists
- Help students to move around the school and classroom independently
- Help to build confidence
- Assist students to understand where they are in school, where their classroom is and how to get to different areas in the school
- Support to adjust to vision loss
- Assistance to develop problem solving, resilience and social skills
- Help to build self-esteem and confidence
Access technology specialists
- Assess a student’s needs and recommend a range of equipment or technology for them to engage with all classroom material;
- Provide training for students on how to use the recommended assistive technology. Equipment may be loaned or trialled.
Available programs
As well as providing individual support, Vision Australia also offer two other programs:
Group programs
- Sessions run inside the school for students where teachers have identified they have a common goal
Intensive programs
- Tailored, in school sessions, over a 4-6 week period to quickly improve students learning skills
- Training for school staff to deliver individual exercise programs, designed by Vision Australia specialists, for students
Equipment to loan
Students with low vision or blindness can loan specialised equipment from Vision Australia. Equipment can enhance students learning and make things easier and quicker.
For the complete list or to place a loan request call us on 1300 84 74 66.
When to refer
Refer your student if they:
- Don’t want to participate in sport or physical education class
- Sit awkwardly at their classroom desk
- Consistently ask for help in the classroom
- Complete worksheets and activities very slowly
- Have trouble reading and spelling
- Don’t want to play or are always by themselves
- Rely on other students to take them to the bathroom or lunch areas
- Have difficulty remembering how to get from one place to another
How to refer
To refer a student, the Principal of your school will need to complete the referral form.
Download the referral form here (Word, 96KB)
To talk about continued services for one of your students, please contact your local office.
If you are a parent or guardian and would like to refer someone, please refer here.
Free resources
- Download brochure: Vision Australia supporting students who are blind or have low vision (PDF, 439KB).
- View and download some simple strategies to support students who are blind or have low vision.