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The benefits system, such as Centrelink and other Services Australia payments, can be complicated, so Vision Australia has created three resources to assist
people with blindness or low vision understand and advocate for their rights in the benefits system.

Did you know?

If you meet the requirements of legal blindness, you are considered ‘manifestly eligible’ for either the Disability Support Pension (Blind) or the Age Pension (Blind).

If you are asked to undergo additional assessments, or undertake employment related activities that you don’t think you are required to do, request that they confirm the obligations under manifest eligibility.

If you have attempted to resolve a Centrelink issue yourself without success and would like additional advice, you can email advocacy@visionaustralia.org.

A guide to the Disability Support Pension (blind)

This self-advocacy information guide will help you understand the Disability Support Pension.

A guide to the Age Pension (blind)

This guide helps you understand the Age Pension (blind).

A guide to transitioning to the Age Pension (blind)

This guide helps you decide if you want to transition from the Disability Support Pension (Blind), (DSP (Blind) to the Age Pension (Blind).