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Your rights matter

Sometimes, even with the law on your side, you may encounter discrimination or barriers as a result of being blind or having low vision that stops you from exercising your rights. We understand that trying to get the outcome you’re after can be overwhelming at times.

Our Stand Up For Your Rights Guides cover general skills, web accessibility, employment, travelling with a Seeing Eye Dog and education. Each guide provides tips and resources to help you move through every step of the process. Please download below. 


We know that it means the world to you that your child is treated fairly at school and receives the best possible education. Our detailed and quick access education guides help you navigate through specific areas to help you get the outcome you’re after.

Stay in touch

We recognise that you may encounter discrimination as a result of being blind or having low vision outside of the topics covered in our guides. We are here for you. Please contact Vision Australia's Advocacy team at advocacy@visionaustralia.org or call1300 84 74 66 and ask to speak to our Advocacy team.

Stand up for your rights webinar

Watch our "Stand up for your rights" webinar. Recorded December 6, 2017.