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About this website

This website is owned and operated by Vision Australia Limited (ABN 67 108 391 831) (Vision Australia) under the domain name "visionaustralia.org" (Vision Australia Site).

Your use of Visions Australia Site, including (but not limited to) the information, graphics, text, software and materials on the Vision Australia Site (Content) is governed by these Terms of Use and our Privacy Statement. By using this Vision Australia Site you agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.

Information available at the Vision Australia site

The Vision Australia Site provides general information about Vision Australia and Vision Australia's various programmes, services, products and activities.

The Vision Australia Site contains a wide variety of Content on heath and medical issues relating to vision impairment for general educational and informative purposes only. The Content is generic and does not take into account the circumstances, physical wellbeing, mental status or medical requirements of a particular person which are relevant to the correct diagnosis and treatment of any problem, condition, disease, injury, ailment or disorder. The Content is not diagnostic or prescriptive and does not replace the services or advice of a qualified health care professional.  The Vision Australia Site does not give, or purport to give, any medical advice.  By using this website, you agree that you have not, nor will, rely upon the Content for the purpose of any medical assessment or treatment of any person.

In addition, the Vision Australia Site may contain or make available data sheets, email lists, mailout or newsletter services, service provider details, or other tools and facilities which may be of use to you. Whilst Vision Australia has taken reasonable effort to provide such features that are accurate and free from defect, Vision Australia does not warrant the accuracy, correctness or completeness of these features, which are provided on an "as is" basis.

Donations and payments

You may wish to donate money to Vision Australia, purchase Lottery tickets or various other Vision Australia products or merchandise, via the Vision Australia Site.

Making a donation or purchasing lottery tickets

In order to make a donation or purchase Lottery tickets via the Vision Australia Site, you will be directed to a secure Vision Australia payment gateway, using a VeriSign Trust Network Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate with 128 bit high grade encryption. 

Your donation details and credit card details for payment will be collected and stored in-house by Vision Australia, processed within a reasonable timeframe and deleted once successfully processed.

Purchasing products, merchandise or services

All products and services offered on the Vision Australia Site and all prices displayed are subject to change without notice.  The prices for the goods supplied include GST (if applicable).  Some products listed are GST exempt.

By placing an order with Vision Australia for any products and services, you are entering into a legally binding agreement with Vision Agreement, on the terms and conditions set out herein.

In order to complete your order for any products, merchandise or services from the Vision Australia Site, details of the goods you wish to order, your personal details, and credit card details for payment, must be entered into a secure Vision Australia payment gateway, using VeriSign Trust Network Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate with 128 bit high grade encryption.

Product availability

Should an item be discontinued or temporarily out of stock our Customer Service team will contact you, and provide you with the option to cancel your order and receive a refund in relation to any payments made by you for that order.


Postage & handling

Unless specifically stated by Vision Australia, all products and services are priced in Australian dollars (AUD), and are intended for purchase and shipment within Australia.  Vision Australia will not ship any orders placed through the Vision Australia Site for shipment internationally.  In the event that any order is made requiring international shipment, those orders will be cancelled by Vision Australia, and any payment made refunded.


For international orders please contact our National Contact Centre on 1300 84 74 66 or email info@visionaustralia.org and confirm postage and handling charges before ordering or sending a cheque or money order.


Postage charges vary according to the item(s) ordered.


For orders to be delivered within Australia, the following postage charges apply:


  • $4.00 for 1 small item only (less than 500g)
  • $8.00 for 2-3 small items (or if product has a sale price more than $50)
  • $13.00 for 4 or more items (or product weighs more than 2kg)

The cost of delivery of Vision Australia products or merchandise purchased by you will be calculated at the time the product is ordered, and will be incorporated into the final price of the product.

If Vision Australia is unable to deliver the product to the address you have provided, a notice will be left at that address which can be used to retrieve the product you have purchased from your local post office.



Vision Australia endeavours to deliver any goods, services, or merchandise ordered within 2 to 14 working days, from confirmation of your order.  If the goods are not received within this time, the Customer should contact Vision Australia on 1300 84 74 66 to notify the delay and ensure that the purchase has been processed.


Delivery delays

When a delivery is not possible within 14 days of an order being placed, for any reason, Vision Australia will contact you, and provide you with the option to cancel your order and receive a refund for any payment made.


Tax receipt: Provided payment has been successfully processed, a tax receipt and the product or merchandise ordered will be sent to you via standard domestic post .


In order for Vision Australia to deliver to you a tax receipt, Lottery tickets, products or merchandise you have ordered, you will need to provide Vision Australia with your postal address.


Vision Australia will not provide you with a tax receipt recognising your donation, Lottery tickets, products or merchandise you have ordered until payment has been processed and actually received by Vision Australia.

Details required from you

Unless provided otherwise, all payments for donations, Lottery tickets or merchandise purchases are to be made by credit card (Visa, MasterCard accepted). You must therefore provide to Vision Australia details of your credit card, including:

  • credit card type;
  • name on credit card;
  • credit card number;
  • expiry date; and
  • CCV number (where available).

Version 1.1 – 28 October 2008.


Save to the extent required by law or statute, Vision Australia does not guarantee or warrant the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of the Content on the Vision Australia Site.  All Content is provided on an "as is" basis. Vision Australia does not warrant that this Vision Australia Site or any linked websites will be free from viruses or defects.

Limitation of liability

Save to the extent required by law or statute, Vision Australia, and its directors, employees, agents, volunteers and contractors, do not accept liability to you for any losses, damages, liabilities, claims and expenses (including but not limited to legal costs and defence or settlement costs) whatsoever, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising out of or referable to any Content on this Vision Australia Site, to any material on linked websites, or to any access or use of the Vision Australia Site by you, howsoever caused.


You indemnify Vision Australia in respect of any loss or damage, howsoever caused, which is suffered by Vision Australia as a result of your breach of these Website Terms of Use or your use of the Vision Australia Site.

Acceptance and changes to these terms of Use

By using this website you agree to these Terms of Use. Vision Australia may at any time vary the Terms of Use by publishing the varied Terms of Use on the Vision Australia Site. You accept that by doing this, Vision Australia has provided you with sufficient notice of the variation.


The law applicable to the Vision Australia Site and to disputes arising out of the Vision Australia Site is the law of the State of Victoria, Australia.


Returns Policy

Vision Australia offers a 30 day refund or exchange policy, in addition to any applicable rights you may have under Australian law


Products can be returned under this policy if they are faulty or if the customer is not satisfied with the item.  You may elect whether to receive a refund or exchange in relation to any returned faulty product.


Products are to be returned in “as new” condition, with a copy of the tax invoice/receipt and a letter of explanation within 30 days of date of purchase to:

Vision Australia
Reply Paid 176
Burwood NSW 180