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When Caitlin’s peers started landing part time jobs outside of school, it was a milestone she wanted to reach too.

Unfortunately, her search wasn’t as easy.

“For me being visually impaired and being in a semi-rural place, it was extra hard for me to find jobs,” she told Vision Australia Radio’s Talking Vision.

The 16-year-old is one Vision Australia’s 2020 LEAP (Learn, Engage, Act, Perform) program graduates, and is now embarking on being a mentor to other teenagers who are blind or have low vision build their confidence.

LEAP is a nine-month program that offers employability and leadership training for young people, aged between 14 and 18 who are blind or have low vision.

“I learnt how to get a job, and learnt things like confidence building, self-branding, difficult conversations, all things to help me in the future.”

Caitlin’s favourite aspect of the program was the ever daunting but highly rewarding ‘mock interview’.

“I’d never been in an interview before, and so I got to hear what questions they would ask and so when I do go for a real interview I’m not so terrified.”

Thankfully, the hard work paid off and Caitlin landed her first job at her local McDonalds.

“I handed in the resume I had made in LEAP and it felt awesome.”

Caitlin is now passing on her wisdom to the 2021 and 2022 LEAP participants.

To hear more about Caitlin’s experiences, listen to the interview in the player below (interview begins at 7:55)

Talking Vision is a weekly discussion of issues relating to blindness and low vision, including stories of inspiration and achievement and information on services for the community. Tell us your story by emailing talkingvision@visionaustralia.org.