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“There is so much that blind and visually impaired people can do … You just have to show the best of you, don’t be nervous, and just be confident in yourself!”

That’s how Ruby, 14, feels after participating in Vision Australia’s LEAP (Learn, Engage, Act, Perform) program  in 2021.

The LEAP program is a pioneering employability and leadership program for young people, aged 14-18, who are preparing to tackle their personal and professional goals. 

Over the course of a year, LEAP participants expand their networking and social skills, as well as experience their first steps into the working world in a controlled environment.

Ruby recently completed her mock job interview as part of the program. In this scenario, Ruby interviewed for a sales assistant position at a cosmetics store, Sephora. The interview was conducted by Vision Australia CEO, Ron Hooton.

“This was my first [job interview] ever”, Ruby said.

“You need to go into the experience thinking, ‘I can get this and this can happen’. I applied for the job in real life after the mock interview. I wrote a cover letter as well [during my time in LEAP] that was already tailored to a job at Sephora.”

Ruby joined LEAP because she wanted to learn how to become employable and better at self-advocating. She’s now much more confident about disclosing her vision condition to potential employers.

 “It’s better to tell them when you’re in the interview. It’s good to talk about it in a positive way and give them ways that you are going to do [tasks].

“I use Seeing AI to read boxes and I use apps that help me see what colour things are and to help me navigate around.”

The full interview can be seen in the video below:

Do you know a young person who wants to take the first step on their employment journey?

Vision Australia’s LEAP program might be just what you are looking for.

Participants will gain real experience in areas such as creating a resume, preparing a job application and completing a mock interview for a job of their choosing.

“The skills you learn in LEAP will help you for the rest of your life!” says Ruby.


Do you know a young person who would benefit from LEAP? Share the LEAP webpage and expression of interest page with them.

LEAP 2022 applications close Tuesday, December 14.

Email LEAP@visionaustralia.org for more information or to discuss eligibility.