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Will they be able to do the job? Are they safe in the office? Am I going to be out of pocket?

Employers who have never hired someone who lives with blindness or low vision or any other disability continually bring up these questions.

This week on Vision Australia’s podcast series Studio 1, hosts Matthew Layton and Sam Rickard delve into perceptions and misconceptions many employers struggle to overcome when hiring people who are blind or have low vision.

Recent research from Vision Australia highlighted just how prevalent these perceptions are among employers in Australia.

Many employers are completely unaware that external help and funding options are available at no cost to the company, Royal Society for the Blind employment programs coordinator Brian Dibbins told Studio 1.

“The JobAccess program can be used to purchase the supports needed and the modifications needed to allow that person to be out of work effectively,” Brian said.

“So in the case of the JAWS screen reader software, which is something like $2200, as long as the eye issues are identified beforehand they will then reimburse the cost of that software so it doesn't cost anything for the employer.”

Listen to the full interview in the player below:

JobAccess is a government initiative that helps employers by giving them advice and also funding workplace modifications, support and training.

Vision Australia is able to provide in-person help to both the employer and the employee to get adjusted.

For more information on employment services, visit Vision Australia’s employment services

Studio 1 is Vision Australia Radio’s weekly look at life from a low vision and blind point of view.

To get in touch with the show. Call or text: 0450 078 834 or email: studio1@visionaustralia.org

Previous episode: Studio 1: Would you employ a blind person?