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Science fiction buff and Vision Australia Library member, Greg Smith, has read so many books in his favourite genre at one stage it looked as though he had read through the entire catalogue.

"When I called the library to ask why I had no more on my 3G player bookshelf they told me I’d read them all,” Greg, who joined the library in 2009, said.

“(Library technician) Angela found some more for me. Like everyone in the library, she is very knowledgeable about books and also what library members might enjoy based on their reading history.”

As a child, Greg’s eye condition was misdiagnosed and he was never given the option to listen to audio or learn braille.

“I envied all the kids who could sit down with a book. So I’m making up for it now,” Greg, who also lives with a chronic pain condition, said.

“Listening to one of my books takes my mind off the pain. The books take me to another world.” 

Greg said he welcomed the change from CDs to iAccess because of the instant access to books rather than having to post them back and wait for new CDs. And he credits the library staff for making the transition incredibly smooth.

“I’m not a technical person and I have dexterity issues as well, but the library figured it out for me. It’s very manageable.”

Greg’s favourite books available at the Vision Australia Library

Game of Thrones (series) by George Martin

The Dark Tower (series) by Stephen King

Malazan Book of the Fallen (series) by Steven Erikson

Do you have story to tell?

If you’re a member of the Vision Australia Library and have a story to tell about the role books play in your life, we would love to hear from you. Email at library@visionaustralia.org today.

Not a member of the Vision Australia Library? Membership is free and available to anyone with a print disability. Find out more at the Vision Australia Library webpage or call 1300 654 656.