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Vision Australia’s work for clients in Melbourne’s north and west will be greatly enhanced by a state-of-the-art new services hub in Sunshine.

The new services hub is expected to open for business at 20 Withers Street, Sunshine, on Monday, October 15, and will replace our existing base at 346 Macaulay Road, Kensington.

Vision Australia regional business manager Jacinta Waters says the move to Sunshine gives the organisation a much more accessible site for clients.

“It’s less than 200 metres from Sunshine railway Station, the bus interchange and taxi ranks,” she says.

“We will use high contrast office furnishings to make it easier for our clients to navigate once inside, and the new centre will include a retail space and technology hub featuring the latest accessible technology that’s designed to support our clients to live the lives they choose.

“We have strived to deliver the best possible environment for our clients, volunteers and staff with public transport and vehicle access that we think is among the best for all of our centres in Australia. We can’t wait to open the doors,” she says.

Amid these changes, some Macaulay Road services will relocate to Vision Australia’s ground-breaking new Sensory Campus in Barrett Street, Kensington in early 2019.

The campus already includes the Vision Australia Seeing Eye Dogs headquarters, the Leigh Garwood Indoor Mobility Centre, our woodwork workshop and our cutting-edge sensory room.

Our employment and education support office will remain at Macaulay Road until early 2019, when it will relocate to a new base within the Barrett Street Sensory Campus.

Please find below a table detailing where you’ll find the services that are relevant to you once the Sunshine centre opens.

Vision Australia contact number – 1300 84 74 66

Where you can find Vision Australia services in Melbourne's North West Region
Service Sensory Campus: 14 Barrett Street, Kensington Sunshine: 20 Withers Street, Sunshine
Occupational Therapists Yes Yes
Mobility Specialists Yes Yes
Orthoptists Yes
Vision Retail Store Yes Yes
Technology and training (ATS) Yes Yes
Braille Yes Yes
Early Intervention Yes Yes
Woodwork Yes -
Recreational Program and support groups Yes -
My Aged Care Yes Yes
NDIS Yes  Yes
Education and employment support Will remain at 346 Macaulay road, Kensington until early 2019, then to Barrett Street  

Sunshine office – 20 Withers Street, Sunshine VIC, Phone: 1300 84 74 66

Sensory Campus – 14 Barrett Street, Kensington

NW Region – 346 Macaulay Road, Kensington

SEDA – Seeing Eye Dogs Australia – 17 Barrett Street, Kensington

HO Kooyong – Vision Australia head office, 454 Glenferrie Road, Kooyong

For details on how to get to our new Sunshine centre, please refer to the Public Transport Victoria website – www.ptv.vic.gov.au - or phone 1800 800 007 6am to midnight daily (all night Friday and Saturday).

Getting to Sunshine

There is no parking at the Sunshine office. The closest car park is in Withers Street, across the road from the office. It’s free up to four hours. Otherwise, use the multi-carpark – parking is $4.00 a day.

Street parking is available about 500 metres from the office (two streets east of the office).

Getting to Barrett Street 

The nearest railway stations are Macaulay, on the Upfield line, and Kensington, on the Craigieburn line. Walking distance from both is about 500 metres.

There is no parking at our Barrett Street facilities, and there is very limited street parking.

Getting to NW Region, Macaulay Road

Parking is available for a limited time at 346 Macaulay Road for all clients, staff, volunteers and visitors.

The nearest railway stations are Macaulay, on the Upfield line, and Kensington, on the Craigieburn line. Walking distance from both is about 500 metres.

If you have questions about any aspect of the changes in Vision Australia’s North West region, please phone us on 1300 84 74 66.