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Vision loss? We're here to help.

NDIS and My Aged Care - are your patients ready?
The NDIS and My Aged Care offer choice and control for a person with a disability over the support and services they wish to receive.

Skills to support people with vision loss
Everyone appreciates a helping hand from time to time. We all have preferences for what we want help with and how that help is given.

Let's Talk About Vision Loss
Listen to stories of others living with vision conditions, the challenges and supports that helped them to continue to do the things they've always done.

Is your eye sight changing?
Finding out that you are losing vision can be a shock. Turn to us for help with everything that’s involved with adjusting to vision loss.

Eye trouble? We can help
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander vision loss support. If you think your eyesight is getting worse then Vision Australia can help.

Live the life you choose
Each of us has our own goals and aspirations. Whatever your level of vision, your experience is entirely your own and so are your needs.

Information for new clients
Key information about your rights and responsibilities, privacy, services, and how you can provide feedback.

Children, adolescents and families: Strong foundations for life
Support for children, young people and families. Offering a personalised approach to child development, focusing on four key areas of life.

Emotional and social support: Share with people who understand
Living with vision loss can involve significant challenges but there are positives that can come from the experience.

Your NDIS Success: Client Information Booklet
An introductory guide to the NDIS, the steps you'll take to apply and how we can help you through this process.

Your NDIS Success: Planning Guide
Using this planning guide is a great first step. One of our experienced staff can help you fill out this guide and prepare you for your meeting.

Charter of Aged Care rights
We provide specialised vision services through Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), a Government funding scheme.