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“I probably struggled longer than I needed to because I didn’t ask for help.” 

— A wife, supporting her husband.

Navigating the impacts of a vision loss diagnosis can be tricky, especially when on top of facing new challenges you are forced to try and understand new information.

Knowing the right kinds of questions to ask can be an invaluable tool when looking to get the answers you need. It's important that you let the person you support speak when they want to and become involved in conversations how they choose to do so, with your support. 

Some great questions to begin with when you are visiting specialists and professionals can include:

Understanding the diagnosis: 

  • Can you explain the specific vision condition in more detail? 
  • What level is the vision loss, and how might it progress? 

Treatment and management: 

  • What treatment options are available for the vision condition? 
  • Are there medication or therapies that could slow down the progression of the eye condition? 

Low vision rehabilitation services: 

  • Can you give a referral to low vision rehabilitation services or specialists? 
  • What services and resources are locally available to assist with low vision rehabilitation? 

Regular monitoring and check-ups: 

  • How often should check-ups occur to monitor any vision changes? 
  • Are there specific signs or symptoms to keep track of to report between appointments? 

Counselling and support: 

  • Are there counselling services or support groups for people with vision loss? 
  • How can the person I am supporting access emotional or psychological support to cope with the challenges of vision loss? 

Educational resources: 

  • Can you recommend educational resources or materials to help both me and the person I am supporting better understand and manage their eye condition? 
  • Are there workshops or informational sessions they can attend? 

Assistive technology:  

  • Are there specific assistive devices or technologies that could help in daily life?  
  • Can you recommend resources for obtaining and learning to use assistive technology?  

Orientation and mobility:  

  • Are there orientation and mobility training programs available to help the person I support to navigate their surroundings?  
  • Can they be connected to a mobility instructor, or an orientation and mobility specialist?  

Government assistance and subsidies:  

  • What government assistance programs or subsides are available for people with low vision?  
  • How can the person I am supporting access these services, and what are the eligibility criteria?  

Driving and transportation:  

  • What are the regulations regarding driving with low vision, and are there alternative transportation options available?  
  • Can you provide information on accessible public transportation or transportation services for people with vision loss?  

Employment and accessibility:  

  • Are there resources or programs to support individuals with low vision in the workplace?  
  • How can I ensure the workplace of the person I am supporting is accessible for someone who is blind or has low vision?  

Financial assistance:  

  • Are there financial assistance programs or grants available to help with the costs associated with blindness and low vision?  
  • How can the person I am supporting access financial support for purchasing assistive devices? 

Tailor these questions to suit your specific situation and the concerns both you and the person you are caring for have. Open communication with your healthcare professional is essential for creating a personalised plan to manage and adapt to vision loss effectively.

How to reach out

If you and the person you are supporting are ready to take the next steps forward, Vision Australia is here to support you in locations across the country. Visit us online today to begin your journey.

If you’re located in Tasmania, you can contact VisAbility on 1800 371 104 or email them at info@visabilitytas.com.au.

If you’re located in South Australia, you can contact See Differently with the Royal Society for the Blind on 1300 944 306 or email them at contact@SeeDifferently.org.au.

If you are in South Australia or Northern Territory, you can contact Guide Dogs on (08) 8203 8333 or email them at info@guidedogs.org.au.