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People who are blind or have low vision often face barriers to participating in the community and different aspects of day to day life.

While there is anti-discrimination legislation at both the state and federal level, it can be difficult to understand what the different legislations cover and how their complaint processes work.

In the next Stand Up for You Rights webinar, the Vision Australia government relations and advocacy team will provide a detailed overview of the Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act and the New South Wales Anti-Discrimination Act.

Topics to be covered will include:

  • What each act does and doesn’t cover
  • The complaints mechanism of each act and how to make a complaint
  • How complaints are resolved in the first instance
  • Next steps if complaints are not resolved
  • Scenarios where you might choose one act over the other to lodge a complaint.

The webinar will feature a panel including members of Vision Australia’s government relations and advocacy team and representatives from the Australian Human Rights Commission and Anti-Discrimination New South Wales. Further details on the panel will be made public soon. 

Webinar details:

  • When: Wednesday, February 9 2022
  • Time: 6.30-7.45pm NSW/ACT/VIC/TAS; QLD 5.30pm-6.45pm, SA 6pm-7.15pm, NT 5pm-6.15pm, WA 3.30pm-4:45pm.
  • Cost: Free (your own data or call charges will apply)
  • Registrations: Registrations are now closed.


Attendees will be able to ask questions via Zoom during the webinar via voice or the chat option. You can also submit questions prior to the webinar via email to webinar@visionaustralia.org.

Please note we are aware of some instances where people experience Captchas when registering for Zoom webinars. If you experience any difficulty with registering please email webinar@visionaustralia.org with subject line “Discrimination Complaints webinar registration issue.”