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Talking Vision is Vision Australia Radio’s flagship program, discussing the latest news and issues from a blindness and low vision perspective.

This week we have a special White Cane Day episode in store for you as Tess Herbert takes over the airwaves. As a white cane user since she was 5, Tess speaks highly of what having a cane has meant for her mobility and independence from a very young age.

Along with the inclusion of new chair, Paralympian Kurt Fearnley, two new faces with lived experience of blindness and low vision are joining the board of the National Disability Insurance Agency, Graeme Innes and Maryanne Diamond.

Tess had the chance to catch up with Graeme and Maryanne to chat all about their new roles, and you’ll hear from them on the show this week.

Maryanne is aware that the NDIS has faced several challenges, but she is very positive about the future of the scheme and what it can bring to the lives of those with disabilities.

“For a lot of people the NDIS has been life changing but it hasn’t quite been the same for everybody, so we want to make sure that it’s set up so that people with disabilities have the chance to achieve their goals,” Maryanne said.

Graeme and Maryanne believe it’s important to put the NDIS in context as an important part of Australia’s support system for people with disabilities. Their lived experience will also enable them to understand how the needs of the community can be best addressed, and inform their approach to improving the NDIS.

“One of the things the board and myself will all keep in mind is to ensure that the NDIS can be the vehicle to take people towards a better quality of life, with more choice and control,” Graeme said.

Listen to the full interview here or in the player below:

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