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Vision Australia’s Feelix Library has further cemented its commitment to vital literacy supports for children with a print disability with the inclusion of decodable reading books to its catalogue.

This significant new collection opens the Feelix Library to an audience of children with dyslexia.

Ideally suited for children in grades 2 – 6 (ages 5 – 12) these renowned books use a systemic approach to learning phonics which helps young readers to ‘decode’ words.  

When children learn to decode text, they are learning how letters (and groups of letters) relate to a particular sound.

They can use this skill when they encounter new words, figuring out how to ‘segment’ the word into different sounds and learn how to ‘sound out’ letter groups to identify the word.

Victoria Rogers, Vision Australia Feelix Library coordinator, said the library is thrilled to have these highly regarded books, which have proved to build reading fluency and motivation, as part of its catalogue.

“The approach transforms reading from something that is mysterious and frustrating, to something that can be ‘figured out’ with tangible progress – a much more positive and encouraging experience for the child,” Victoria said.

“The feeling of achievement and confidence can’t be underestimated. In turn, this gives children thee motivation to read more.”

The books are also filled with colourful illustrations to draw children into the story.



Three of the brightly coloured decodable readers

According to the Australian Dyslexia Association, dyslexia is the most common cause of reading, writing and spelling challenges and difficulties.

“Learning to read has evolving impacts. Reading empowers children to expand their vocabulary and communicate their needs and feelings,” Victoria said.

“It also gives a strong foundation from which they can finish their education, start careers, and become independent, leading a fulfilling life within society.”

The Feelix decodable readers are accompanied by audio files on a pre-loaded Pathway player, providing an additional resource for young readers to engage independently with the text.

How to loan the readers

These resources are available Australia-wide for loan to any child who has a diagnosis of dyslexia or other print-related learning disabilities and is a member of the Feelix Library.

Joining the Feelix Library is free. For more information visit the Feelix Library page here or phone (03) 9864 9487 or email feelixlibrary@visionaustralia.org