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About the survey

Following a fantastic response to our survey last year, we are again seeking input from people living in Australia for our annual survey about what assistive technology you use to access websites and apps.

The results of the survey will be used by Vision Australia to advocate on your behalf and provide guidance to Government and businesses about assistive technologies they need to support when designing websites and apps.

All data collected will be anonymous and you will not be personally identified in the research. This annual advocacy survey will improve everyday access to important websites and apps for people like you.

A $50 gift card will be granted to two winners in a random draw at the close of the survey on 1st September 2023.

Frequently asked questions

This project is being conducted by Vision Australia’s Digital Access Team.

This survey is designed to gather detailed information about the software and assistive technology you use. The information is reported publicly and shared with Government. The resource informs website and app creators about technology and software that should be used in testing for accessible design for Blind and Low Vision users.

The survey asks about technologies you use, such as phones, computers and devices and software you use.

Australians living with blindness or low vision, and their carers or support people.

This survey has no risk to the participant. The only possible negative effect of the survey may be feeling negative emotions when sharing opinions about using inaccessible technology.

Yes, you have the option to be in the running to win one of two $50 gift cards. Being in the draw to win a $50 gift card is not compulsory. If you do want to be in the draw, you will need to provide a phone number for us to contact you.

There may not be direct benefit to you. However, the results will be used by government and private businesses to make their websites and apps more accessible, thereby benefiting the blind and low vision community.

Completing the survey is voluntary and you do not have to participate. You can withdraw at any time. You can withdraw your response after completion by contacting us at clientconsultation@visionaustralia.org.

All survey responses are de-identified in all reporting. All survey data is securely stored in a separate database that is not linked to any client records. Survey responses are anonymous and not attributed to a person. Personal information like email and phone number is securely stored, and not shared in any reporting, or anywhere else in Vision Australia.

Findings will be released by Vision Australia and a formal report posted on our website.

If you have any questions regarding this survey, please contact the project team via email at clientconsultation@visionaustralia.org and they will endeavour to respond to your questions in a timely manner.