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For this year’s Global Accessibility Awareness Day, Digital Access Vision Australia chatted with Eamon. In this Q&A blog, Eamon shares about his experiences living with cerebral palsy and using assistive technology.

Could you please introduce yourself and tell us one interesting thing about you?

Hi my name is Eamon and I love outdoor adventures like sailing, park walks and swimming.

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What is one reason raising awareness about accessibility important to you?

Accessibility is important to me to stay connected with my support network and community.

Do you use any assistive technology to help you in your day-to-day?

I use my eye gaze technology. It allows me to be more independent. I can say what I want when I want. I can use it to play games and have fun. I like to watch my favourite video clips and access music and movie using my eye gaze. Sometimes I like to take selfies!

Are there any common misconceptions you come across about disability?

People often think I won't be able to do something - I like to prove them wrong!

Do you have an example of a positive experience where a service or program was accessible?

Enrolling to vote in the Federal Election

I am very excited to be voting in the Federal election for the first time. I encourage others to enrol and vote. The process to enrol was surprisingly straight forward. I am proud to access my voting rights.

My communication and literacy group, Merger of Minds

It's loud at my communication and literacy group, Merger of Minds, with everyone using their AAC devices (Augmentative and Alternative Communication devices). I love it. I have lots to say about health, access, transport, The Disability Royal Commission and the NDIS.

End of Q&A

Digital Access would like to thank Eamon for his time and for sharing his experiences and insight.

For this year’s GAAD, let's get talking, thinking and learning about Accessibility and Inclusion and the more than one billion people with disabilities.

Keep an eye out for more candid conversations about accessibility and disability on Digital Access social media.

If you would like help conducting inclusive research for your product or service, you can contact Digital Access Consulting at digitalaccess@visionaustralia.org.